
Terrible Two's

Today Jayden turns two. No one informed me that the terrible twos start promptly at two...to be more specific the morning he turned two. He woke up in a really bad mood...maybe it was because he woke up to a flash camera in his face. I'll post pictures later.

He was grouchy all the way to school (daycare) and when I dropped him off. They have big day planned - the kids are going to bake a cake together to celebrate and there are all sorts of fun party favors and sidewalk chalk that Mommy brought in.

Grumpy, grouchy pictures to follow....


Beth said...

You are too funny . . . maybe it was because he woke up to a flash camera in his face?! Oh the things we moms will do for the sake of posterity! : )

The twos are such a fun age—it makes up for the difficulties.

deanna said...

All I can say is... wait until 3!

deanna said...