
The beach...

This past weekend, we were invited to a friend's at the beach (the Outer Banks). It was a lot of fun and Jayden had a great time. He was at the ocean last year, but it was in Maine so there really was not a lot of sand. He walked right into the water, but didn't like that it pulled at him. He walked up to the water line after that and was very content to have Mommy fill his bucket with water.
He also had his first experience in a full size pool. He was a little nervous for about a minute and then had himself a grand time. Mommy will be signing him up for swimming lessons next year as he has no fear of the pool.
It was also very nice to have a day that wasn't over 100 degrees. Wooo hooo thank goodness for ocean breezes.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Definitely can't start them too young!

What a fun get away—I can feel that breeze just looking at the picture! : )