
Is it Friday yet?

It's been a busy week or so.

Last Sunday, I flew up to DC for a conference. Sunday evening was spent with my college roommate and her husband. It was so good to see them and catch up a little bit...it's been far too long between visits. They are leaving soon for a missions trip to Hungary with the whole family. I'm very excited for them and can't wait to hear all about their trip.

Monday through Wednesday was the conference. It was excellent and I am still processing it all. I am starting a new project in a new industry and am excited about all I'll get to learn and faciliate for my new client.

I took Thursday and Friday off to spend with my parents who came to take care of Jayden while I was traveling. Thursday I took the dog into the vet for surgery and we went to the Durham Bulls - the whole entire family...brother, sister-in-law, neices, grandparents...it was fun. Jayden LOVES going to games, but was pretty subdued this time because of what I thought was teething.

Friday afternoon, picked up the dog after her surgery...I'll post pictures later. Came home and the parents left to take care of the neices. Child felt warm...temp 101, not freaking out. 2 hours later (8:30) child feels warmer, temp 103...we truck off to urgent care which is closed. We come home and mom debates emergency room...she decided if we get to 104 we're going (it's literally 2 minutes away). We're up most of the night because Jayden won't let me put him down (very uncharacteristic). Saturday morning we get up first thing to go to urgent care. His temp is 100 there. He tests positive for strep.

Saturday involves more attempts to get medications in. Jayden hates taking medicine... I have no idea why but for the past year, it's a battle. I can get one medication down in a bottle but that's it and that's only if he doesn't see you put it in there. I negotiate with the doctor...give me 24 hours to try to get antibiotics in him, otherwise I have to bring him back for the shot...which is very painful speaking from experience. It took a couple trys but late in the afternoon, I got one dose in. Also during this time, we discovered that pain medicine/fever reducer is available in supository form. Who knew? And what fun. After an afternoon of unglued screaming, he finally passed out after taking a bottle. I think he hit that point where he was so tired, he was delirous and couldn't figure out how to get to sleep...so not his usual self.

Sunday, he was mellow but definitely feeling better. We hung out and watched a couple episode of "Jack's Big Music Show" and Veggie Tales. I must say for having strep throat he was a real trooper.

Now back to work...


Danielle said...

Seriously Eli...you are one strong mama! When the going gets tough at my house, I pass the baby off to Conrad for a little break...then I can come back after a few minutes of repass. I know, I know...I'm such a wus.

Beth said...

Poor little guy! Ashley tends to be a magnet for strep—so not fun!

Sounds like you're handling it all very well. Please say hello to your parents for me. : )