
been a wild couple weeks

It's been a wild couple weeks...

The housing market is not exactly thriving so I am anticipating pulling my house off the market after an open house and saying goodbye to the new one. It's disappointing. I was really looking forward to a shorter commute and being closer to everything we are involved in. I really enjoy working from home a couple days a week but I'll be limited to one since it means two round trips. It's all the little things that I'll miss but it's not the most devastating thing.

Both dogs have been sick and required some major overhaul as I like to say. Willie's breathing has been difficult and loud...think bulldog complete with snoring and constant snorting. Originally they thought it was his larynx and I prepared for massive surgery through his neck, but once they had him sedated and were able to look, it was determined it was his soft palate. Good news, it was much less invasive surgery and no more bulldog! He looks so much less stressed now that he can breathe. Bad news, he had to have six more teeth removed. If I didn't do something, he would have had a respiratory emergency in which there was no way to get him to a vet fast enough. Picture me coming unglued over the dog collapsing trying to get him and Jayden to a vet in minutes in order to save him... not worth the trauma to any of the three of us.

During this time, Mama had an "episode" what we think was a minor seizure. I run her in and find out that it's kidney failure (bloodwork revealed) and a side effect is high blood pressure. Canine blood pressure is strangely similar to human blood pressure in terms of what is considered normal. She was over 212...so she started blood pressure medication and we had to make several trips for some additional tests to make sure she is responding to the medications. She is on a new food which she absolutely hates. On the bright side, I think she is feeling better as she is back to her old, obnoxious self. We're just in maintanence mode and eventually this will take her but I think we've at least got another year or two.

Jayden's vocabulary is exploding and he's growing like a weed. We're working on potty training. He's doing wonderful at daycare. He seems to think we lack indoor plumbing and is not interested in going potty at home. He loves his Wilwee and Mamah.

Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this weekend and are staying with him while I travel for work. It'll be fun to see them. We're having a big picnic while they are here so Grandpa can meet all Jayden's buddies that he's heard so much about. I'll post pictures of the chaos/fun.


deanna said...

I say - make grandma and grandpa retire, buy your house and then you can move. Simple solution - don't you think?;-)

Danielle said...

Geezzz...we have had 6 showings and no bites so far..I think our housing market isn't much better here...hmmm.

How long was your house on the market??
