
the boys...one year ago today

Jayden and Matthew one year ago today. This picture was taken during our visit trip. It is so amazing to see how much they have changed/grown. They are about 4 months old here and as you can tell they are swimming in their 3-6 month clothes. I don't think Jayden made a noise the first couple days, maybe some grunts. Matthew, on the otherhand, was very verbal and had no problem voicing his opinion until you figured it out.

Matthew at 15 months has all of his teeth...molars and all. Jayden grew hair, Matthew went for teeth. I used to ask Berna...do you want a man with teeth or a man with hair... hands down, no matter who you ask, teeth wins out.


Shanygne said...

Great story! I think teeth wins me, too... but good hair is good, too.

I couldn't see the picture...bummer.

when do you get in to Texas??

Leah said...

They are so cute!!! Two boys, two dogs and a cat? You are truly brave. Bell locked me out of my car this past weekend on a road trip. Made me miss Willie... he was a much more behaved car companion. Great to finally figure out where you are again!