
Bear with me...

Okay I got the dreaded spam posting over the weekend. I was warned, but in my efforts to prevent it, I put up the Fort Knox of security. I'm working on it and hopefully will find a happy medium at some point.

Today we are one week from two...so hard to believe. He is so full of life and pretty much runs full tilt from morning to night, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


deanna said...

I was wondering how long that would take! LOL

Danielle said...

two? already? geeze, it seems like just yesterday.....

I was going to tell you that I really enjoyed the pictures with the tacos and salsa...let's just make sure that his aspirations don't stop at taco bell....ha!

Danielle said...

by the way, what happened that you had to up security on your website? should I be scared of this???

Stolmit said...

Spam mail. I hate spam mail. I also hate Spam. My stepmother would serve it for dinner sometimes. She'd actually bake it in the oven covered with a sweet, candid sauce. The kind you glaze carrots with. We'd have the candid Spam with mac-n-cheese and some kool-aide. Ah, life in the trailer park. So long ago yet so dear to my heart!

Shanygne said...

wow! Two years old! He seems like such a great kid! I love when kids have good imaginations. Love the yellow headband.