
Stolmit school of parenting

Many of you have no idea but I ascribe to the Mitchell Stout school of parenting. I would even venture to guess that Mitch doesn't know he has a school of parenting, but he does.

See parenting is a lot like drama training. The blocking is all the basics... how to behave, learning, boundries, etc. But the real spice of any drama or of life, is to get the character to come out. Remember...if it feels stupid and is big so everyone can see it, you're doing it right (I paraphrase and am taking some liberties with the curriculum).

Jay is definitely developing his character. He is so full of life and joy. At just shy of 2, this boy is definitely entertaining and is developing quite a sense of humor. He is starting to use phrases and words to get reactions (it works). The current favorite this week is "oh no", but he says it like he is from Minnesota. He says "bye" like he's from Alabama. If I knew Spanish well enough I bet I would pick out phrases that sounded like they were from Guatamala and others that made him sound like he was from Columbia.


Danielle said...

too funny. You really need to tell Mitch he has a school of thought on parenting. I'm sure he would appreciate it :)

Shanygne said...

That's hilarious!! What a great take on parenting!

You can imagine our suprise when we got home from our vacation and found that Emily had opened a package that held a baby monitor! IT took us a while to figure out who sent it...

Can I get your address?? you can email it to ksgullickson@yahoo.com.

Love you!! Thanks so much!

clever[art] said...

This is Stolmit. I just happen to be checking people's blogs and look what I found. Wow, The Mitchell Stout School of Parenting. I have nothing witty to comment.

Wait, of course I do. If you don't already have one, find a big trunk and start filling it with various things he can use for wardrobe and props. Watch his imagination soar. Okay, not witty more Dr. Whatever I AM.

Seriously, I made the cut. I made Jayden's blog!!! I'm so honored.