
who will come and help?? who???

Do you ever make one of those discoveries that just completely grosses you out to the point, you really don't/can't deal with it so you just leave your discovery? I can't be alone in this. Well today I made a discovery...apparently I caused the death of one of God's creatures. I know it was me...I'm the only one opening and closing the door.

At first I thought I discovered a cricket that was closed into the door jam. It has obviously been there for some time. I hate crickets. They gross me out. Orkin receives a call from me when I see one in my kitchen. I was brave for a while but then the black widow appeared outside my door. The straw broke...apparently crickets bring the spiders...great to know but neither are welcome. Orkin is now on a regular visitation plan. They just leave their invoice on my doorknob.

Today I made a discovery...a smashed cricket in my door jam. The Orkin man has let me down. I took a picture because I like to share certain traumas that happen in my life. Upon downloading the image to my computer, I noticed something about the cricket. The cricket appeared to have a round jaw and a fairly wide head. This was even more disgusting, we hit a new gross level in my book. It was a frog!!! It was at eye level in my door jam. I never want to use that door again which is not practical unless I want to run the dogs around the house into the fenced yard. Of course, when the weather gets warmer that means never going out after dark because the frogs are out.

So any ideas on how to remove frog carcass (petrified) from the door jam? Any volunteers to come do it for me? Please...


deanna said...

I'll be right over, in my full body biochemical white suit with bleach and scrubbers! It's kind of like that scene from Monster's Inc when that monster comes out with a sock on his back and they go on complete lockdown, shave the poor monster and use all kinds of crazy gadgets to remove the sock. Well, OK, a frog is much more gut wrenching than a sock! I thought that looked like a frog!! Pretty soon Jayden will be your frog and cricket catcher - I'm quite sure of it!

Danielle said...

You know what this reminds me of, don't you? The unfortunate drowning and decapitation of the 1998 Indian Mouse in the washer?? You certainly handled that well, tho. Much better than me...I think I was gagging.

I think your fear of crickets also originated in that era...the great cricket infestation of the Van House...that's right, isn't it?

Shanygne said...

I suggest a shovel/spade with a very long handle...

My kids are cuter than yours... said...

Please. I screamed like a girl when a LIVE frog got into my house and I had to get it out!! So no help to you with your frog problem... though really it's it's own fault. I don't bother woodland creatures in their homes and I expect them to exhibit the same respect.