
It only took the stomach flu

My brother came up to deliver sprite and soup because I got a beautiful case of the stomach flu. During his visit, I mentioned that the "cricket" needed to be dealt with. He seemed a little less excited about resolving my problem when I mentioned that it was really a frog. He did remove the decompossed carcass and clorox'd all utentsils and the door jam.

Danielle, for the record, the decapitated Indian mouse was so less gross. Although I am not volunteering to take care of anyone's mouse issues. Oh and black widows are less toxic than brown recluse so I am considering myself lucky to only have black widows. I did manage to kill the first one I found. She didn't go easy. It took at least half a can of bug killer. I know it was a she...after an extensive search online, only the females have the red hourglass shape on their bellies.

Well I hope each and everyone has a gross-free weekend!


Danielle said...

I can't believe the mouse was LESS gross than the frog...and the mouse was so gross. I hope you are feeling better. We are really looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!! Yeah! I think we will probably come saturday morning. I have a clinic in Toledo Friday morning, I can't see myself getting back in the car that night to drive from columbus to the other side of the state :)

Shanygne said...

you guys are getting together?!! Yeah!!!

not sure how a mouse is less gross, but I will have to take your word for it.

Hope you are feeling better!! J isn't getting sick, is he??