
Caught between the moon and Guatemala City

So two years ago on this date, Pop Pop, as he is now known, and I got up at 3am to begin our journey to Guatemala City.

We flew Continental Airlines through Houston. I had miles on US Airways and he had them on Continental so we both researched who could get tickets in two days and hopefully in first class. Long story short, Pop Pop won this one. Being the complete travel snot that I had become over the previous two years, I did a lot of ""your" first class doesn't have this" - it became somewhat of a joke.

Contintental still has a lot of the old school first class amenities. Real glasses and plates, table clothes, etc. It was decadent to be sure. I was shocked that they served first class even during pretty rough turbulence. They asked to wait to give us coffee so we wouldn't get burned, but yet the flight attendents were still serving...shocking. And for those that know me, this was not a fun experience here. Turbulence and I are not friends.

Houston to Guatemala City is 3 hours. We landed, gathered our things, and got on the hotel shuttle bus. We arrived at the hotel and got in line to check in. We weren't in line more than 2 minutes, when Jayden, Carmen and her family arrived.

We took over a side room in one of the hotel restaurants, ordered food, shared gifts, instructions on Jayden's schedule and went over the remaining paperwork for the embassy. It was so surreal in many ways. We said our goodbyes, lots of hugs and tears and then checked in and went up to our room.

He was mine.


Beth said...

Such a sweet and wonderful story . . . why I'm sitting here tearing up all over the place is beyond me. I guess it's just that I'm so happy for you, happy for Jayden . . . and wish all the orphans of the world could be so blessed. Happy anniversary!

Danielle said...

I have to say that I am tearing up too...