
2 Whole Years!

Two years ago on December 8, I got "the call". It was a Thursday morning and the caller id was from my adoption agency. I was sort of confused as to why they would be calling. I started off by asking if it was "the call" and if we had pink slip. She said yes, so I got up to walk out of the building to finish the call.

Pink slip is literally a pink piece of paper with your US Embassy appointment. I got a call on a Thursday that I had to be there on Tuesday. Our appointment was at 7:30 in the morning. At this point, I kick into PD mode - there are a lot of logistics to be nailed down... travel, work has to be covered, what to bring, etc, etc. It is also the "dawning of what is about to happen".

Grandpa and I board the 6am flight on Sunday morning to fly to Guatemala City. We got to the hotel, got in line to check in and Jayden was there with his foster family waiting for us. The two hours we spent with them flew by.

Two days later was the embassy appointment and then we were on our way home.

This is just before going to the US Embassy...


Beth said...

Such a beautiful journey it has been. I love it that I get to follow Jayden's journeys through your blog. What an incredible little guy!

Danielle said...

was it really two years ago? wow! Time is really flying. I was thinking of how big Jayden was last time we say him and how Isabelle is just about that age now! Can you believe how our little guys grow??

Unknown said...

Look how cute he is!!! How old was he there. So fun to see how he has grown and the personality that has come out in the last 2 years. :)