
please pray for the Chapmans

Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter, Maria passed away yesterday. Please pray for their family. They are some of the most incredible people.


Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Jayden and Matthew saying "cheese". I'm not really sure why we went for full blown cheesy but he did actually try to smile for the camera.

Taking in the game...

Watching the Durham Bulls practice...

I decided to get Jayden and myself a mini-plan for the Durham Bulls baseball team this year. This is our second game (out of 10) and we have so much fun. It poured down rain so this game was delayed and we were able to watch the players warm up. Matthew and Berna decided to join us for our big Mother's day outing.

Jayden is officially potty trained which is very exciting. So far he is not one of those kids who needs to visit every toilet in a new location. He hates the loud ones that pump a ton of water through...you know the high speed ones I'm talking about.

He now gets to choose his underwear. I pulled out three pair the other day, pair one had trucks on it, pair two had soccer balls and pair three were plain. He just had to wear the "plane" ones and now asks for his airplane underwear. Plain white briefs are all the rage with pilots you know.

He's talking up a storm in both English and Spanish these days. I'm learning a little bit along the way...he'll teach me I just know it.


Mater...as in Tow Mater

Yesterday, Mater received his first haircut and looks like a new dog. All the orange hair is gone and he has one of the softest coats ever.

Jayden is in need of some attending, okay discipline. More later...


Day at the Zoo

It's been a busy couple weeks. We went to the zoo a few weeks back. The NC Zoo is big (5 miles of trails). We only did half of it and Jayden walked it all.
We also brought home a new dog. I'll post pictures soon. Mater, as he is now known, is a 5 year old Springer. Different in personality than Willie, but still has a lot of the characteristics that I love about the breed...this is what I was looking for. He is the scale model, much more compact. He was horribly neglected by someone who inherited him and that owner turned him over to animal control when given the option of doing that or having charges brought up against them. He is almost fully recovered and has gained weight. He has hair now (yes, the poor guy was pretty much bald) so he's looking better and feeling better each day. His personality is coming out more and more as he gets to know us. He knows sit, stay, down, speak, etc. I think all in all he'll be a good fit for Jayden and myself.