
Moving again

Some of you who see this title and know me are thinking..."yeah, it's about time for Eli to have that itch". Okay so I am not really moving (yet), just thinking about it. It'll definitely happen within the next 3 years as Mr J enters school.

Believe it or not I've been on a nationwide search as to where to educate my little guy. My goal is to find a top notch dual language program. There are actually two programs in our area. The next county over (which is "the" county to be educated in) has two different dual language programs. The first, which is Spanish, requires you to live in their school's district. The other, which is Mandarin, just requires you to live within the entire school district. So for another 100K and the loss of 1000 square feet, I can put J in the Spanish program.

In our county, there is an elementary school with a dual language program. It's very close to my office and his current daycare, but would require the jump to the other side of town. If I go with this option then the big question is when to make the jump. Yes, I get that J is only 20 months old but I've never been one to plan tomorrow when you can dream about the future.

In terms of the nationwide search, we have Washington D.C. area and Chicago that have active programs. The housing prices are obviously even more interesting.

Ultimately, I'll keep looking and try to hold off on a decision until J's around 4 and I have actually visited some of these programs. As much as there are lots of options for educating your child, there are also lots of limits...just don't want my little knowledge seeker to miss out on the adventure of learning.


deanna said...

Well, you know my vote!!;-) Has he ever been to the White House? (hint, hint!)

Shanygne said...

I think it's totally normal to think like that. Can't ever be too prepared, right??

Beth said...

Kindergarten will be here quicker than you know! I love it when kids are able to study other languages early! : )

Danielle said...

I have been thinking about this stuff too. We have a couple of language emmersion schools in the Columbus area...they are "charter" schools. I'm not sure how they perform in other ares tho. Hmmm... Are you thinking of private school? Would love to share any interesting info you find! send links!

Hey, I think Leah M is having her baby today! Yeah!

My kids are cuter than yours... said...

Well... you know, there's nothing better than cultural immersion and South Florida just so happens to be a very diverse area!

Anonymous said...

Can I start chanting D.C., D.C., D.C.??? I am about to move again too...first back to Jackson for a campaign and then hopefully D.C. or New York in the fall. Also, don't feel bad about starting early...so many schools now have a waiting list so long you have to put your child's name on it the moment he/she is born.