
50%, 75%, 50%

Everytime we go to the pediatrician, we find out what J's percentile is on the growth chart.

First observation... when we came home, he was 5%, 10%, 10%... a year later we've made 50%, 75% and 50%. 5o% on height...mommy's NBA dreams are dashed, but we still have soccer. 75% weight... I think it's in his cheeks, but having suffered from the same condition as a child, I can relate. 50% head circumference... I demand a remeasure...it fits through neck holes very tightly.

Second observation... I think we as adults are missing an opportunity here. I think we should start using our percentiles as compared to the rest of the population. I think I would be 50,75,100 - because we all know I have a big head!

1 comment:

deanna said...

LOL - No comment. Well, on the head thing anyway! Sounds like you have a perfectly healthy child and the neckhole thing? Well, even my child with the negative percentile head circumference has trouble with those. I think that is something we need to take up with clothing manufacturers!! Remember, Osh Kosh, it's really a turtle head shirt because it must first fit over that thing before it's snug around the neck!;-)